Sample Looper v1.0


Sample Looper is an eight channel sampler performance tool. Featuring variable playback and multitap delays with feedback.

It is mouse, asci keyboard, midi and network controllable depending on requirements.

Screen Shots

Main Interface

With Channel Control


Apple OS X App here.

Windows Program here.

Max/MSP Collective here.

To run collective
Max/MSP 5 environment –
for network io
network max abstraction – from the iiLibrary here.
for network io
osc-route external – from CNMAT here, or from here for OS X, or from here for Windows.


Turn Audio on by clicking on speaker icon

Set master volume (in Global Controls)

Press Read and load in sound files as required

Click on Channel meters to access controls

Playback begins once speed changed from 0

Key Controls

with caps lock on
1 – 8 mutes/unmutes channel
9 mutes all
0 unmutes all

Midi Control

Midi Channel Selects sampler

74 playback speed
71 start loop
1 end loop
93 channel volume (15 13 14 16 and channel)
95 tap point 1
11 volume 1
94 tap point 2
10 volume 2
91 tap point 3
7 volume 3
73 feedback 1
72 feedback 2
75 feedback 3

Channel 16 is global effects all samplers

Network Control

Main application namespace

/app/lp/"channel number"

control interfaces (all int 0-127)

/pbs playback speed<br /> /sl start loop<br /> /el end loop<br /> /vol volume<br /> /tp1 tap point 1<br /> /tp2 tap point 2<br /> /tp3 tap point 3<br /> /fb1 feedback gain 1<br /> /fb2 feedback gain 2<br /> /fb3 feedback gain 3<br /> /tv1 tap volume 1<br /> /tv2 tap volume 2<br /> /tv3 tap volume 3


Channel 7 playback speed 100
/app/lp/7/pbs 100

Channel 4 tap volume 3 50
/app/lp/4/tv3 50