Meet Strut

Strut is designed for group to communicate structural information regarding the form of an improvisation or prescribed composition. It is very suited to bound improvisation.

As well as offering a basic playback of a score, the score can be altered while in use allowing compositional response to previously played material.

See Strut

Main User Interface


Control User Interface


Dissect Strut

Strut is built within the Max/MSP environment and utilizes the Hewitt OSC NameSpace Syntax. It is network aware and allows you share a score dynamically across a network connection(udp port 7474).

Use Strut

Strut shows you the current active tempo, time into performance and the section of the work. It will also pass limited relevant information regarding the section.

Four sync points are made available for which can be connected to midi controllers if required. These sync points are not controlled by the score.

Strut should only need loading to work.


To enter admin mode click on the check box, all performer functions continue to work.

Select to either read, write. open or start a new score.

Strut plays text score which detail information at points in time ie.

time in secs, tempo xx section xx “information”

such as - 20, tempo 140 section 4 “start of section 4”

To use the sync points sync source should send a bang message to appropriate NameSpace on udp port 7474. Sync NameSpaces are,





Get Strut

Strut is available as;

a Max patch here. (This download does not include Struts dependencies).

an OS X application here.

a Windows application here.

a Max Collective here.

Strut needs

Max/MSP 5 environment –
network max abstraction – from the iiLibrary here.
osc-route external – from CNMAT here, or from here for OS X, or from here for Windows.